Monday, February 1, 2010

Our big savings project!

When I think back to being a child in Toronto, a few memories stand out instantly. The first is playing hockey with my brother in the alley behind our home (yup, we're Canadian alright!). The second is the swingset my dad built that was in the yard in the first house I really remember. Man, that thing rocked- it had swings, ladders, a club house, a place to hide underneath, a was just awesome. My brother and I played with each other, with friends, had fun and got into trouble, all in that playset.

So, what does this have to do with this blog? Well, motivated by Kaley & Wes at Cha Ching on a Shoestring, we have decided to set a savings goal. We really, really want to give the boys a GREAT swingset as Alex's big gift for his 4th birthday. This may be short term, but it means so much to us- we want them to have the same memories to look back on. I'm sure we will find something longer term after this, but for right now, I'm so excited to be working toward this!


We're thinking of something like this, but with a rock wall to climb up as well. Is there something you loved about your childhood (or your kid's set that they love) that you think we should put on ours?  Also, any websites that you found great prices from? I'd love any input!

A great week!

This week was a great week financially for us. Aside from the crazy good diaper deals (which saved us $50 over the next 3 months from having a diaper stockpile), I also won a $25 Visa gift card from the Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Program! On top of that, the codes from the super cheap packs pushed us over the top of 300 points- the cost for a coupon for a free pack of.......Huggies! MORE DIAPERS! Just what we needed, haha!

I also put a few things on Craig's list, and EVERYTHING sold! I was shocked and excited. We got rid of our infant carseat (only has a year left before expiring), a Graco travel system stroller, a jogger stroller, and our Jumperoo (which our therapy team told us not to use for Connor, so it's been taking up a big space for the last 3 years!) Not only did we clear a nice big space in the garage, but we also added a nice chunk of change to the swingset fund (more info to follow).

It was a good week in other ways as well- I had a great time at different mom's group events, managed to squeeze in a nap twice, got my timesheets in on time, and got to spend some quiet time at home doing nothing but play with my sweet little guys. Connor started to run this week (oh jeez), and it's been a blast to watch his pure delight at his new skill. I'm looking forward to another positive, fun week. As a bonus, my dad came home from Australia today, and the boys were very excited for him to be here. He leaves again tomorrow, but we love having him while we can :)

I hope everyone else had a great week too!